I added a new migration to (an existing) gem and when running the rake db:migrate command the migration is completely ignored. I tried forcing it to be run using rake db:migrate:redo VERSION=[my migration version] but it reports it cannot find the migration with that version.
I'm using ruby 1.9.2p320 with rails 3.1.3 and there shouldn't be a problem with having the wrong gem version as I'm using it directly from the file system (though I've tried installing / updating through bundle).
Also, I'm not sure if defining migrations on a gem is the right approach, but since this lib is highly coupled with the rails site and specially since it's legacy code, I won't move this away unless it's absolutely necessary.
EDIT: The migrations in the gem are defined as they're usually defined in any rails app:
|- db
... |
|- migrate
|- <migration files>