Standard set up I think. I've followed: mainly, but used other sources as needed.
So far here is what happens:
- Client sends a message
- I see the message in the Journal Messages for the appropriate queue
- Service never seems to be called. I have a ton of logging that would output logs on service called and / or errors in the service method.
I have shut down the service and the message still ends up in the Journal Messages - not sure why that is.
Queue: bretrace/bretraceservice.svc (anonymous access, with full permissions granted)
Client Web.config
<binding name="MsmqBreTrace" receiveErrorHandling="Move">
<security mode="None" />
<endpoint address="net.msmq://wcfserver/private/bretrace/bretraceservice.svc" binding="netMsmqBinding"
bindingConfiguration="MsmqBreTrace" name="MsmqBreTraceService"
Service Web.config
<binding name="MsmqBreTraceReader" receiveErrorHandling="Move">
<security mode="None" />
<service name="C.BusinessRuleController.Services.QR.BreTraceService">
<endpoint address=""
binding="netMsmqBinding" bindingConfiguration="MsmqBreTraceReader"
contract="C.BusinessRuleController.Services.BoschProxy.Trace.IQueuingTraceContract" />
I have also activated system.diagnostics, and it seems to be calling the service, under activity I see:
- "Process Action: ''." I'm not sure if the is a problem or not?
"Execute C.BusinessRuleController..." as another activity.