
I install xampp-v9 on Windows7 platform ,android open sql apache ,and install mqtt broker ,sure mqtt service is opened,use mqtt php manager server ,when i run ,just show as follos

Tokudu Android Push Demo Server status: connect(SAM_MQTT, array(SAM_HOST => '', SAM_PORT => 1883)); if ($result) { $conn->disconnect(); print_r("Online"); } else { print_r("Offline"); } ?>

so why?

It is hard to tell what you are asking. Are those commands in the first sentence? If so, pleas format them as code.Joshua Dwire

2 Answers


Exactly where is that status shown? what code have you deployed? have you verified that you can publish/subscribe to mosquitto or rsmb using any other tools e.g. mosquitto_pub?

Have you looked at the MQTT.org wiki about using MQTT with Android? http://mqtt.org/wiki/mqtt_on_the_android_platform


Tokudu Android Push Demo Server status: connect(SAM_MQTT, array(SAM_HOST => '', SAM_PORT =>1813)); if ($result) { $conn->disconnect(); print_r("Online"); } else { print_r("Offline"); } ?>

above is the issue ,I wan't to use MQTT to push android message