Enterprise Architect offers a handy feature to generate UML artifacts (or glossary entries) from external sources that can be imported into the project as RTF files.
These RTF can be attached to an existing project as a "linked document" or "UML document artifact" (using the << document >> stereotype for an "artifact" model entity). This is described here on page 36: http://www.sparxsystems.com/downloads/whitepapers/Requirements_Management_in_Enterprise_Architect.pdf
Is the same possible with a file that is formatted as PDF? For example using an add-in?
I tried to drag-and-drop it or import PDFs the same way as an RTF but this failed.
Rationale: Most customer input comes in PDF format.
.doc or .docx may also be of some help.
I know it could all be copy-pasted into an RTF but that is quite error-prone.
Thanks in advance