I have a parent table Parent and a child table Child. The relation is like this:
class Parent {
Child child
static mapping = {
child lazy: false, cascade: 'all'
static constraints = { ... }
class Child {
String name
static constraints = {
name unique: true
I created some code to add a child to an existing parent. It looks like this:
def parent = Parent.get(id)
parent.child = new Child(name: (name))
This code is contained in a method of transactional service.
It does not work when child is invalid - no validation happens. I get a famous hibernate error:
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing`.
It can be easily explained: child is not validated, when GORM saves objects, it tries to save child, then it should stop due to a failure, but it proceeds and tries to save parent with unsaved child field.
How can I work around the case when child is invalid? I need to propagate information about the error to a view form.
I've already tried to validate child manually - it's errors field contains 1 error, but parent is still valid. I've tried to insert the error to the parent errors field - parent becomes invalid, but GORM still tries to save it.