So basically, I have a movieclip with the name homeButton, embedded in another movieclip named overlay. This overlay is placed on every scene within the movie. What I want to happen, is when the homeButton is clicked from any of the scenes, to return to the scene "floorSelect"
Within the overlay symbol, I have the actionscript:
homeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeButtonClicked);
function homeButtonClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
parent.gotoAndPlay(1, "floorSelect");
I'm guessing my error is in the gotoAndPlay, I have tried:
root.gotoAndPlay(1, "floorSelect");
parent.parent.gotoAndPlay(1, "floorSelect");
thanks in advance, J
Symbol 'overlay', Layer 'as', Frame 1, Line 21 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
– JohnW