Continuing with my game here (a game where the player is a ship and you shoot down meteors). I am currently working on the ship shooting bullets and I am trying to remove the meteors as they get hit by the bullets. So here's what I've done. I am almost there, but I have found an error in my coding. In my game, there spawns meteors outside the right side of the map and they travel to the left and the point is to shoot them down, this is working if you shoot the meteors in right order but not otherwise. Let me explain it with a picture.
If I were to shoot down the second meteor, the meteor marked with number 1 would get destroyed first
//spawns the enemies.
public void LoadEnemies()
int randY = random.Next(100, 500);
if (spawn > 1)
spawn = 0;
if (enemies.Count() < 4)
enemies.Add(new Enemies(Content.Load<Texture2D>("meteor"), new Vector2(1110, randY)));
//Here's where the error lies because of the bulletcolliding (I think)
for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; i++)
if (!enemies[i].isVisible || bulletColliding)
bulletColliding = false;
Collision method.
public void bulletCollision(GameTime gameTime)
foreach (var x in bullets)
foreach (var y in enemies)
enemy_rect = new Rectangle((int)y.position.X, (int)y.position.Y, 10, 10);
bullet_rect = new Rectangle((int)x.position.X, (int)x.position.Y, 10, 10);
if (bullet_rect.Intersects(enemy_rect))
bulletColliding = true;
Basically, I am clueless on how to remove the specific meteor that gets hit, and I need your help. I Appreaciate all help I get.