I'm indexing in Lucene, and am only interested in getting the ID's of relevant documents out of Lucene (ie, not field values, or any highlighting information). Given these requirements, which term vector should I use, without impacting on search performance (speed), or quality (results)? I will also be using MoreLikeThis so don't want
TermVector.YES—Records the unique terms that occurred, and their counts, in each document, but doesn’t store any positions or offsets information
TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS—Records the unique terms and their counts, and also the positions of each occurrence of every term, but no offsets
TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS—Records the unique terms and their counts, with the offsets (start and end character position) of each occurrence of every term, but no positions
TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS—Stores unique terms and their counts, along with positions and offsets