
This maybe a really dumb question but has had me stumped for days now. I have setup an MDM server. Then through the iPCU (iPhone Configuration Utility) I push a configuration profile with the relevant checkin and server URLs. I also add a credentials certificate installed on my machine and specify that as the identity.

After I push the profile to the device however, I get the following error...

MDM: Cannot Authenticate. Error: NSError:

Desc   : A transaction with the server at https://heshang.abc.lk/MDMServer/checkin has 
failed with the status 404.
US Desc: A transaction with the server at https://heshang.abc.lk/MDMServer/checkin has failed with the status 404.
Domain : MCHTTPTransactionErrorDomain
Code   : 23001
Type   : MCFatalError
Params : (

I checked whether the check-in url is accessible through device and it is. So what is causing this authentication error that I am getting ? It is not an SSL error either because I have accessed the MDM server via the device (an iPad) and I don't get an HTTPS error when doing so.

What is causing this authentication error ?


1 Answers


The device uses HTTP PUT when it contacts the MDM Server. Can you verify your web server is configured to handle/route an HTTP PUT request correctly?