I have very basic question about Flex SDK, but I didn't find any resources for my problem and honestly don't know if it even possible to do what I want. So here is my question:
I created Flex project with Adobe Flex Builder 4.6. Then I placed the button (let's say it's id is btn1
) in main MXML file. I want to create second button dynamically right from the script part of main MXML file. Specifically I want to create it from button click handler of btn1
Here is my MXML code (it is the only file in project ):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
protected function btn1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var btn2:Button = new Button();
btn2.label = "Hello";
btn2.x = 50;
btn2.y = 50;
<!-- Non visual elements -->
<s:Button id="btn1"
x="10" y="10"
But when I click btn1
- nothing happens. It is possible that I don't understand something in flex programming paradigm - please point it out for me.
. UseaddElement()
. – Florent