Recently, my question about OmniFaces Ajax.updateColumn() was answered in the following:
How to use OmniFaces Ajax.updateColumn() or Ajax.updateRow() via p:ajax
In that case, the dataTable was the JSF standard h:dataTable, and that worked great.
Now, in this case, I am attempting to update a PrimeFaces p:dataTable when enduser selects a date via p:calendar component that exists outside of the p:dataTable. The p:dataTable xhtml is as follows:
<p:dataTable id="flightDataTable" var="flight"
<p:column headerText="Airport" style="text-align: center !important;">
<p:inputText value="#{flight.airportTx}" maxlength="25" size="10" label="Airport"/>
<p:column headerText="Airline" style="text-align: center !important;">
<p:inputText value="#{flight.airlineTx}" maxlength="25" size="10" label="Airline"/>
<p:column headerText="Flight Number" style="text-align: center !important;">
<p:inputText value="#{flight.flightNumber}" maxlength="8" size="10" label="Flight Number"/>
<p:column headerText="Type" style="text-align: center !important;">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{flight.flightType}" label="Flight Type">
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{bundle.DropdownOptionValueArrive}" itemLabel="#{bundle.DropdownOptionLabelArrive}"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{bundle.DropdownOptionValueDepart}" itemLabel="#{bundle.DropdownOptionLabelDepart}"/>
<p:column headerText="Date" style="text-align: center !important;">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'N'}">
<p:calendar value="#{flight.flightDate}" navigator="true"
label="Flight Date"
pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="10">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'Y'}">
<p:inputText value="#{flight.flightDate}"
label="Flight Date" type="date">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" />
<p:column headerText="Time" style="text-align: center !important;">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'N'}">
<pe:timePicker value="#{flight.flightTime}"
label="Flight Time" mode="popup"
showPeriod="true" style="width: 80px;">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="hh:mm a" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'Y'}">
<p:inputText value="#{flight.flightTime}"
label="Flight Time" type="time">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="HH:mm" />
Originally and currently in production, the p:calendar p:ajax update="..." updates the 'entire' flights p:dataTable, so the dates column in p:dataTable is updated, successfully. I know, i know, if it ain't broke, then don't fix it, but today I was modifying this code and xhtml, so I wanted to use OmniFaces Ajax utility's updateColumn() to update only 'one' column for all rows of this PrimeFaces p:dataTable.
Below is the code fragment that is executed when enduser selects date via p:calendar; this is the code that calls OmniFaces Ajax utility's updateColumn().
private void updateFlightDateOnAdd() {
UIData flightsDataTable = null;
try {
flightsDataTable = (UIData) Components.findComponent(":orderAddForm:flightDataTable");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("pf_OrdersController.updateFlightDateOnAdd(): caught exception on Components.findComponent(...)");
if (flightsDataTable != null) {
System.out.println("pf_OrdersController.updateFlightDateOnAdd(): Components.findComponent(...) found " + flightsDataTable.getClientId());
Ajax.updateColumn(flightsDataTable, 4);
else {
System.out.println("pf_OrdersController.updateFlightDateOnAdd(): Components.findComponent(...) returned null");
Below is the POJO definition:
public class FlightForOrder {
private Integer flightId;
private String airportTx, airlineTx, flightNumber;
private Character flightType;
private Date flightDate, flightTime;
public FlightForOrder() {
public Integer getFlightId() {
return flightId;
public void setFlightId(Integer flightId) {
this.flightId = flightId;
public String getAirportTx() {
return airportTx;
public void setAirportTx(String airportTx) {
this.airportTx = airportTx;
public String getAirlineTx() {
return airlineTx;
public void setAirlineTx(String airlineTx) {
this.airlineTx = airlineTx;
public Date getFlightDate() {
return flightDate;
public void setFlightDate(Date flightDate) {
this.flightDate = flightDate;
public String getFlightNumber() {
return flightNumber;
public void setFlightNumber(String flightNumber) {
this.flightNumber = flightNumber;
public Date getFlightTime() {
return flightTime;
public void setFlightTime(Date flightTime) {
this.flightTime = flightTime;
public Character getFlightType() {
return flightType;
public void setFlightType(Character flightType) {
this.flightType = flightType;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 3;
hash = 97 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.flightId);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final FlightForOrder other = (FlightForOrder) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(this.flightId, other.flightId)) {
return false;
return true;
While testing, the following showed up in the server log:
INFO: pf_OrdersController.updateFlightDateOnAdd(): Components.findComponent(...) found orderAddForm:flightDataTable
So, that means that I obtained a good reference of the PrimeFaces p:dataTable, so I passed the component of type UIData to Ajax.updateColumn().
The end result, the PrimeFaces dataTable was not updated by OmniFaces Ajax utility's updateColumn().
I just commented out Ajax.updateColumn(...) and re-added the update="..." to p:calendar p:ajax, and the PrimeFaces dataTable is updated, successfully.
Please advise on what I may need to do to ensure that the PrimeFaces dataTable is updated via Ajax.updateColumn(...). Thanks.