Is there any way to use the LINQ dynamic query library (System.Linq.Dynamic) to evaluate a condition based on the properties of an ExpandoObject? The following code throws an exception on the "var e...
" line, saying "No property or field 'Weight' exists in type ExpandoObject":-
const string TestCondition = "MyStateBag.Foo >= 50 && MyStateBag.Bar >= 100";
dynamic myStateBag = new ExpandoObject();
myStateBag.Foo = 70;
myStateBag.Bar = 100;
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ExpandoObject), "MyStateBag");
var e = DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { p }, null, TestCondition);
var result = e.Compile().DynamicInvoke(myStateBag);
The alternative would be to implement the "statebag" as a dictionary, but this will result in a slightly more verbose condition string, e.g. MyStateBag["Foo"] >= 50 && MyStateBag["Bar"] >= 100
. As this is going to be used as the basis of a user scripting environment, I would prefer the simpler ExpandoObject syntax if it's possible to achieve.