Here is a SSJS snippet which allows to add an action to the delete function of a FileDownload control.
function overrideFileDownloadAction( fDownload ){
if( fDownload === null )
rekOverrideFileDownloadAction( fDownload, fDownload );
function rekOverrideFileDownloadAction( component:javax.faces.component.UIOutput, ){
var children:java.util.List = component.getChildren();
var it:java.util.Iterator = children.iterator();
var curChild:javax.faces.component.UIOutput;
while( it.hasNext() ){
curChild =;
if( typeof( curChild ) === '' ){
var group = new;
var list = new java.util.ArrayList();
group.setComponent( fDownload );
list.add( curChild.getAction() );
list.add( mBinding );
group.setActions( list );
rekOverrideFileDownloadAction( curChild , fDownload );
var mBinding = facesContext.getApplication().createMethodBinding("#{}", null );
overrideFileDownloadAction( getComponent( 'fileDownload1' ) );
You have to change the code in the MethodBinding mBinding and the name of the FileDownLoad control. Please keep in mind that this code will only save the document if there are no validation problems. To disable required fields you have to add the following line of code curChild.setDisableValidators( true ); in the if block.