According to the documention a marker is optional with an infoWindow, so how is this achieved please? I have tried and,null) but both produce nothing.
3 Answers
makes no sense since you need to specify the position where the infowindow should open, also it has a tapered stem which specifies the location where it should point.
According to the documentation of Infowindows- InfoWindows may be attached to either Marker objects (in which case their position is based on the marker's location) or on the map itself at a specified LatLng.
So if you donot want the marker to open the infowindow, use the map click event-
var iwindow= new google.maps.InfoWindow;
And to close a InfowWindow- infowindow.setMap(null);
Hope that cleared your doubts.
If the position is set, there is no problem showing the info window
function initMap() {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
zoom: 6,
center: {lat: 55.6761, lng: 12.5683},
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: "Copenhagen"
infowindow.setPosition({lat: 55.6761, lng: 12.5683});;
Since the api has changed, it is not possible to set position on info window any more. the solution i found is to add a marker to the map with visibility false:{
position: {
'lat': sites[0].latitude,
'lng': sites[0].longitude
// setting visible false since the icon will be the poi icon
visible: false
}).then((marker: Marker) => {;