I am trying to do normal mapping on flat surface but I can't get any noticeable result :(
My shader
For my eye, shader looks fine, but it doesn't render desired result( https://dl.dropbox.com/u/47585151/sss/final.png). All values are passed.Normals,tengents and binormals are computed correctly when I create the grid,I have checked that! Here are screens of ambient,diffuse,specular and bump map.
They seems to be legit...
The bump map,which is the result of (bump=normalize(mul(bump, input.WorldToTangentSpace))
definitely looks correct,but doesn't have any impact on end result.
Maybe I don't understand the different spaces idea or I changed the order of matrix multiplication.By world matrix I understand the position and orientation of the grid,which never changes and it is identity matrix.Only view matrix changes and represents camera position and orientation in own space.
Where is my mistake?