
i want to add a conditional statement to my layout that tests:

  1. the controller param in the url
  2. the existence of a zend_auth()

what's the best way to achieve that? i have tried testing the $this->_getParam('controller') in the layout but got an error. i could just set that variable in all the controllers but that seems kind of dumb. how to best set a variable that i could use later from the layout with some conditional logic? or should i instead add my conditional logic that is inside a view helper and then loaded into the layout?


1 Answers


Edit The controller shouldn't be a URL parameter, unless you are doing some very strange routing. If you were getting a GET (or POST) variable, you would use ->getParam() on the request object, Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(), as used below. But the controller is a separate property of that request object.

This is the auth part:

$loggedIn = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity();

This is the controller part:

$controller = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->controller;