[WSO2 ESB V4.5.0] What is wrong with how I'm configuring the enrich mediator to accumulate XML? I have a sequence of n PojoMediators that retrieve XML from a database with each setting a context property with the XML represented as a string. For example, after the first PojoMediator executes, its' context property is set to:
customerInformation = <cust><id>1</id><oc></oc><ca>0</ca></cust>
and I'm trying to enrich the body with that XML content but end up with:
<cust><id>1</id><oc></oc><ca>0</ca></cust></root></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope> {org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.LogMediator}
..where the enrich mediator is escaping the referenced "custInfo" XML. My enrich configuration is:
<source type="property" property="custInfo"/>
<target type="body"/>
Is there a means to coerce the enrich mediator to treat the property ("custInfo") as an XML fragment rather than as straight text? I'm assuming that this is why the XML is getting escaped as the mediator believes it is setting the content of a node rather than specifying an XML fragment.