I think a dict consists of number, string and dict is enough most time.
So I ignore the situation that tuples, lists and other types not appearing in the final dimension of a dict.
Considering inheritance, combined with recursion, it solves the print problem conveniently and also provides two ways to query a data,one way to edit a data.
See the example below, a dict that describes some information about students:
student_dic=dict([(g,dict([(r,dict([(d,'') for d in data])) for r in rank ]))for g in group])
class dic2class(dict):
def __init__(self, dic):
for key,val in dic.items():
self.__dict__[key]=self[key]=dic2class(val) if isinstance(val,dict) else val
student_class.class1.rank1['name']='Nan Xiang'
print student_class.class1.rank1
print student_class.class1['rank1']
print '-'*50
for rank in student_class.class1:
print getattr(student_class.class1,rank)
{'score': '', 'sex': 'male', 'name': 'Nan Xiang', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': 'male', 'name': 'Nan Xiang', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': '', 'name': '', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': '', 'name': '', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': 'male', 'name': 'Nan Xiang', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': '', 'name': '', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
{'score': '', 'sex': '', 'name': '', 'weight': '', 'height': ''}
rather than_from
according to PEP 8. – Kosd1.b.c
), I think it's clear you should be using something from a library, e.g. namedtuple from collections, as this answer suggests, ... – Andy Hayden