I've successfully imported a simple 2 column SQL Server data into HIVE using SQOOP on Cloudera CDH4.1. - id (int) - description (varchar(50))
When I try get the same HIVE table to go back to SQL Server it lumps the two columns together and therefore creates an NumberFormatException.
I've tried the --fields-terminated by \t --lines-terminated-by \n and this doesn't make any difference.
I've also tried to export the sample_08 Hive table as supplied by Cloudera but get a NoSuchElement exception. Wish it would give a clue as to which element it thinks doesn't exist!
I've ensured that the table structures and field names are both the same on both sides including the case and underscores.
I can export a single column table but am absolutely stumped as to how to resolve the issue.
Any help would be gratefully received.