I have a method that has the propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW
transactional property:
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void createUser(final UserBean userBean) {
//Some logic here that requires modification in DB
This method can be called multiple times simultaneously, and for every transaction if an error occurs than it's rolled back (independently from the other transactions).
The problem is that this might force Spring to create multiple transactions, even if another one is available, and may cause some performance problems.
Java doc of propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED
says: Support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists.
This seems to solve the performance problem, doesn't it?
What about the rollback issue ? What if a new method call rolls back while using an existing transaction ? won't that rollback the whole transaction even the previous calls ?
[EDIT] I guess my question wasn't clear enough:
We have hundreds of clients connected to our server.
For each client we naturally need to send a feedback about the transaction (OK or exception -> rollback).
My question is: if I use REQUIRED
, does it mean only one transaction is used, and if the 100th client encounters a problem the 1st client's transaction will rollback as well ?
is the first method your client code invokes, then REQUIRES_NEW and REQUIRED are the same thing – Denis Tulskiy