
Doe's Android support multiple menu folder (e.g. like /drawable-hdpi and /drawable-mdpi)? If so what types are supported (land, xhdpi, swXXXdp)?

P.S. Sorry for such a goofy question...

Edit 1: For example I have different layouts. Depending on that I can have different menu resources, no? As a start it would be nice to have sooch folders:

  • res/menu
  • res/menu-land
  • res/menu-xhdpi
  • res/menu-xhdpi-land
  • res/menu-sw600dp

The first two work fine... but when I try to add the other ones the app work instable on different devices.

Nothing wrong with the question, but please give us an example of how you would want to use such a thing so we get a more clear idea of what you exactly are searching for.MarchingHome
The problem is that when I add menu-xhdpi folder all devices take the menu specs from itSerj Lotutovici

3 Answers


Yes. even in portrait and landscape modus:

menu-land-mdpi menu-port-mdpi

menu-land-hdpi menu-port-hdpi

menu-land-xhdpi menu-port-xhdpi


yes. Don't see any point not to support it, documentation here provides no restrictions on it (I myself at least have used -land qualifier)


The menu can be used like layout folder, you can add menu-land, menu-port ... also, you can use specific menu for multi langue, like menu-fr, menu-en to rearrange items based on phone language...