
I have created a Windows form in which I have taken a drop down combo box and certain fields. The value of the fields changes accordingly when any value is selected from the drop down. The problem I am facing is that I cannot click anywhere else in the windows form. The focus stays on with the ComboBox drop down. I have used other button like 'PRINT' which provides the facility of printing the information displayed in the win form. but I cannot click on it because of the focus that Is stuck onto the combo box. For the combo box, I have used the following Code:

private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExistingAccountScreen existingAcctScreen = new ExistingAccountScreen();
            using (PrintViewer pv=new PrintViewer(existingAcctScreen))
        catch (Exception ex)

The drop down click event is as below which is creating a problem while selecting value other than the defult selected value

private void cmbAccountNumber_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ExistingAccountInfo acctInfo = cmbAccountNumber.SelectedItem as ExistingAccountInfo;
        if (acctInfo == null)
        existingAccountInfoBindingSource.DataSource = ExistingAccountInfo.Get(acctInfo.AccountNumber);

        accountStatusBindingSource.DataSource = ExistingAccountInfo.GetExistingStatusCodes(acctInfo.AccountNumber);
Is there a timer or a background worker that controls the focus? Can you please post a code snippet :) ?Picrofo Software
can you add the code of the "OnChange" handler of your DropDownList?Bazzz
Try to give focus to any control that you want control.Focus = true; (On form Load) ! the control where you want to have focus on form load !Sunny
@Bazz: I have used the SelectedIndex event of the DropDown List and nothing else. It can be done by setting the focus of other controls, but I just wanna know why is this problem occuringRunning Rabbit
@Yash I believe that providing a code snippet would make it easier to detect the problem :)Picrofo Software

1 Answers


Simply set the Cause Validation Property of the drop down combo box to False.