I am rather new to sencha touch, I've done a lot of research and tutorials to learn the basics but now that I am experimenting I have run into a problem that I can't figure out.
I have a basic DataList which gets its data from a store which displays in a xtemplate.
Within this template I have created a member function which requires store field data to be parsed as a parameter.
I would like to make a thumbnail image (that's source is pulled from the store) execute the member function on click/tap.
I can't find any information on this within the docs, does anyone know the best way to go about this?
Here is a code example (pulled from docs as I can't access my actual code right now).
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>'
tapFunction: function(name){
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);
I want to make the paragraph clickable which will then execute the tapFunction() member function and pass the {name} variable.
Doing something like onclick="{[this.tapFunction(values.name)]} " does not seem to work.