I am trying to come up with a modular program design and I, once again, kindly request your help.
As a follow-up to these following posts Monad Transformers vs passing Parameters and Large Scale Design in Haskell, I am trying to build two independent modules that use Monad Transformers but expose Monad-agnostic functions, then combine a Monad-agnostic function from each of these modules into a new Monad-agnostic function.
I have been unable to run the combining function e.g. how do I call mainProgram
using runReaderT
in the example below ?.
The subsidiary question is: is there a better way to achieve the same modular design goal ?
The example has two mock modules (but compiles), one that performs logging and one that reads an user input and manipulates it. The combining function reads the user input, logs it and prints it.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Stackoverflow2 where
import Control.Monad.Reader
---- From Log Module - Writes the passed message in the log
data LogConfig = LC { logFile :: FilePath }
doLog :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader LogConfig m) => String -> m ()
doLog _ = undefined
---- From UserProcessing Module - Reads the user Input and changes it to the configured case
data MessageCase = LowerCase | UpperCase deriving (Show, Read)
getUserInput :: (MonadReader MessageCase m, MonadIO m) => m String
getUserInput = undefined
---- Main program that combines the two
mainProgram :: (MonadReader MessageCase m, MonadReader LogConfig m, MonadIO m) => m ()
mainProgram = do input <- getUserInput
doLog input
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Entry logged: " ++ input