
I'm trying to give a popup for the mouse hover event instead of click on markers and do some some other stuff (e.g. a func) when it's get clicked.

My half successful code which I don't believe will help you think in that direction:

(I'm simply adding a hover on click event)

marker[i].on('mouseover', marker[i].bindPopup('hi').openPopup.bind(marker[i]));

[i] simply stands for a loop

Leaflet's API: http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/reference.html#map-openpopup


2 Answers


The following code shows a popup when the marker is moused over and does something else when the marker is clicked:

marker[i].on('mouseover', function(evt) {
  //evt.target is the marker that is being moused over 
  //bindPopup() does not need to be called here if it was already called
  //somewhere else for this marker.
marker[i].on('click', function(evt) {
  //again, evt.target will contain the marker that was clicked
  console.log('you clicked a marker');

You are not providing a callback for the mouseover event.

marker[i].on('mouseover', function () {

Pass in an anonymous function as your callback, when it is invoked it will do what you want.

I am not very familiar with leaflet api (just started using it a few months back) so there may also be an issue with marker[i].bindPopup('hi').openPopup.bind(marker[i]) as well.