
I have created a JMS Point-to-Point Request Response test as documented in the JMeter manual.

My JMeter Point-to-Point Configuration:

enter image description here

When I run it, however, it always times out on the response. If I look at the sampler log file, I seem rm="No reply message received":

<sample t="1016" lt="0" ts="1350683197138" s="false" lb="JMS Point-to-Point" rc="" rm="No reply message received" tn="Attributes Fetch 1-1" dt="text" by="0"/>

I know my consumer is set up correctly to reply based on replyTo JMS header. In fact - if I look at the ActiveMQ management console, it shows me that the reply queue I specified has queued and dequeued exactly the number of messages in the test. So it looks like JMeter is dequeing them, but something goes awry after that!

My ActiveMQ Management Console:

enter image description here

Has anyone been able to do this successfully with JMeter and ActiveMQ?
I am using JMeter 2.8 and ActiveMQ 5.6.0.


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