You cannot do this directly in one class as the class definition below cannot be compiled due to erasure of generic types and duplicate interface declaration.
class TwoTypesConsumer implements Consumer<Apple>, Consumer<Tomato> {
Any other solution for packing the same consume operations in one class requires to define your class as:
class TwoTypesConsumer { ... }
which is pointless as you need to repeat/duplicate the definition of both operations and they won't be referenced from interface. IMHO doing this is a bad small and code duplication which I'm trying to avoid.
This might be an indicator also that there is too much responsibility in one class to consume 2 different objects (if they aren't coupled).
However what I'm doing and what you can do is to add explicit factory object to create connected consumers in the following way:
interface ConsumerFactory {
Consumer<Apple> createAppleConsumer();
Consumer<Tomato> createTomatoConsumer();
If in reality those types are really coupled (related) then I would recommend to create an implementation in such way:
class TwoTypesConsumerFactory {
private class TomatoConsumer implements Consumer<Tomato> {
public void consume(Tomato tomato) {
private class AppleConsumer implements Consumer<Apple> {
public void consume(Apple apple) {
public Consumer<Apple> createAppleConsumer() {
return new AppleConsumer();
public Consumer<Tomato> createTomatoConsumer() {
return new TomatoConsumer();
The advantage is that the factory class knows both implementations, there is a shared state (if needed) and you can return more coupled consumers if needed. There is no repeating consume method declaration which aren't derived from interface.
Please note that each consumer might be independent (still private) class if they aren't completely related.
The downside of that solution is a higher class complexity (even if this can be a one java file) and to access consume method you need one more call so instead of:
you have:
To summarize you can define 2 generic consumers in one top-level class using 2 inner classes but in case of calling you need to get first a reference to appropriate implementing consumer as this cannot be simply one consumer object.