I have a MSI created using InstallShield. I do not have the InstallShield project. I want unpack this MSI into components & then recreate the install using a different installer (say Wix). Is something like this possible? If needed, I can get the InstallShield scripts which were used (i.e. the scripts which check if product is allready installed - what version is installed etc.)
Also if this is possible what installer tool should I try if my biggest needs is achieving very high compression - i.e. MSI should be as small as possible. I am on Windows, my application is java application (not an exe - just jar files). I am not interested in creating Exes.
As an aside, does anyone know what compression does Oracle use for it's JRE installers. I took the 6.12 JRE installer - it's around 15 MB in size - & installed java & then zipped the jre directory using different zip tools - most of them ended up with a 30MB zip file.