
The content I'm trying to index contains dollar signs that should be indexed and matched, e.g., $1.

I've set up my schema to index the dollar sign, and am able to successfully match it with the query analyzer; searching for $1 matches $1.

However, the highlighter doesn't seem to recognize the dollar sign. When I submit a query for $1, the results do contain highlighted results, but the highlights appear like $<em>1</em>; the dollar sign is not highlighted.

How can I ensure that the highlighter will highlight the entirety of what is matched in the query analyzer tool?

Can you post the schema.xml definitions for the highlighting field and the solrconfig.xml stanza for the highlighting handler? At first glance, this sounds like it's still being run through a tokenizer which is chomping punctuationChris Adams
Yep. You're absolutely right, Chris. I was distracting myself from the fact that I was indexing and querying one field (the new one), and highlighting another (the old one).hourback

1 Answers


ACK! The problem was that after tuning one of my fields just right, I was still highlighting the old, un-tuned field. It appears that Solr is doing what I expect it to do now.