I have a menu system set up in a panel which needs to be dynamically created. I have created a mock static menu which the client likes but the menu categories and items will need to be loaded via JSON from a store.
Here is what I have for the first few menu items set statically:
Ext.define('SimpleSearch.view.FacetSDL' ,{
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.facetsdl', //alias is referenced in MasterList.js
requires: ['SimpleSearch.store.SDLResults', 'FacetData' ],
title: 'Facet Search',
html: null,
frame: true,
layouts: 'fit',
items: [
id: 'group-menu',
title: 'Browse',
xtype: 'menu',
plain: true,
floating: false,
layouts: 'fit',
items: [
text: 'Security',
click: function() {
var groupmenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#group-menu')[0];
var securitymenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#security-menu')[0];
menu: { // <-- submenu by nested config object
items: [
text: 'Classification',
click: function() {
var groupmenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#group-menu')[0];
var securitymenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#security-menu')[0];
var classificationmenu = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#classification-menu')[0];
classificationmenu.setPosition(0,-groupmenu.getHeight() - securitymenu.getHeight(),false);
I was thinking that maybe creating a class that loads all of the necessary data and then iterating through that class for the "items" field may be the way to go, but I am not sure if that will work.