
Let me start off by saying I'm not having a problem when rotating views in iOS6 after the app is open. This issue is only happening for me when the app is launched for the first time while in landscape. The new shouldAutorotate and supportedInterfaceOrientations methods are both called when launched, however none of the rotation methods are called, like willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:. (shouldAutorotate is always returning YES, and supportedInterfaceOrientations is always returning UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll)

In iOS5, the 'first' orientation to landscape on launch was taken care of automatically. Is there an explanation for why the device wouldn't call this first landscape rotation in iOS6? (The view controller I'm checking is the root controller of the window/app delegate).

Thanks in advance for any help with and insight into this.


2 Answers


I suppose that since the interface is not actually rotating, that the method isn't being called.

If you want to do some setup based on the orientation, have you thought of using the view controller's intefaceOrientation property?


You should now use the viewWillLayoutSubviews method and not willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:. The reason is because willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration: is not guaranteed to be called in a number of situations.

This is stated in the iOS6 release notes among other places.