I have data encrypted in ColdFusion which I am trying to decrypt in Ruby. I can't get the output to match though.
On the ColdFusion side I have something like this:
<cfset key = 'DiYVka4mAYk=' />
<cfset str = 'hello' />
<cfset enc = encrypt(str, key, 'des', "base64") />
<cfset dec = decrypt(enc, key, 'des', "base64") />
#str# <!--- 'hello' --->
<br />
#enc# <!--- '3rNKAnEu+VA=' --->
<br />
#dec# <!--- 'hello' --->
The same, implemented in Ruby:
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
str = 'hello'
key = 'DiYVka4mAYk='
des = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('des')
des.key = key
data = des.update(str) + des.final
enc = Base64.encode64(data)
des.key = key
dec = des.update(Base64.decode64(enc)) + des.final
puts str # => 'hello'
puts enc # => 'wVQs6NjOZwM='
puts dec # => 'hello'
Both work, but the encrypted strings are different. So passing encrypted data between ColdFusion and Ruby is not going to work.
The key was generated using ColdFusion's generateSecretKey()
function. It looks Base64 encoded, so I tried setting the key like this in Ruby:
key = Base64.decode64('DiYVka4mAYk=')
Again, the code works but the encrypted string is different.
Is there anything I am missing regards key encoding?
Also, I thought maybe there is more info implied when setting the algorithm to 'des' in ColdFusion. So I tried creating the Cipher in ruby with the following:
- des
- des-cbc
- des-cfb
- des-ecb
- des-ede
- des-ede-cbc
- des-ede-cfb
- des-ede-ofb
- des-ofb
Again, some variation in the encrypted string. But none matching the original ColdFusion version.
Note: the ColdFusion encryption has been in use for a long time, so I can't make any edits on that side. The 'fix' must be in Ruby.