I've got very difficult task ahead of me, so any help and suggestion would me welcome.
I have to implement Java web service which would match two other given web services for semantic similarity. These two other web service will be described with OWL-S that uses concepts from OWL ontology. S1 would be a web service that I'm looking for (my query) and S2 would be service that is in repository (advertised). So I need to access OWL-S description and OWL ontology from my Java code.
I'm using Eclipse, Tomcat, OWL API and HermiT semantic reasoner.
I have very primitive matching algorithm, which main goal is to match service S1 inputs and outupts with S2 inputs and outputs.
I'm a beginer in this subject, and I've never used OWL API, nor I've worked with ontologies.
My current to do list: 1. Load from OWL-S a process parameters types (OWL classes). Lets assume that S1 input is type of C1 and S2 input is type of C2. 2. Find if classes C1 and C2 are in my ontology O. 3. Check if class C2 subsumes class C1, or maybe they are semanticly the same in my ontology O.
I would appreciate any code examples or snippets, which I couldn't find, for these tasks. Especialy checking if class C2 subsumes class C1.