
I made an e learning app in flash and I use AS3 in this elearning, in this app, I call / load a eksternal swf what I make with AS2.

in that external swf, I have an input text for user, and when submit button clicked, I get the value of the input text and parse it to a global variable and then show it to a certificate.

Its working if I run the as2 swf independently, but if I load that as2 swf from the as3 swf, I can't getting value from the inputtext. its say undefined variable.

can anyone help / explain about my problem ?

thanks befor, sorry for my grammr. :)


1 Answers


AVM1 and AVM2 are incompatible this way. Therefore if you need to communicate between both, you have to use LocalConnection. This is the only option to establish communication between ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3 movies.