
In my application, I want to take dependencies on multiple repositories in a class, where not all of them are required each time. Rather than constructing an instance of each one where unnecessary, I use the Typed Factory facility in Windsor.

However, registering a factory for each repository is a bit tiresome, and I would like to replace this with an open generic registration. What I want to do is something like the following:


However, this is a syntax error because of the missing type parameter for IRepository. Is there a syntax I can use which would make this work?

NB: I'm aware that I can register an untyped Factory interface and use this to create multiple components. I'm not interested in doing this as this is essentially taking a dependency on a service locator - if I've not registered a dependency then I won't know about it until the code tries to use it - with my approach I know about this in the constructor even though I'm not creating an instance yet.

Full (simplified) sample below:

public class TestA { }
public class TestB { }
public interface IRepository<T> { T Create();    }
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
    public T Create() { return Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); }

public interface IFactory<T>
    T Create();
    void Release(T instance);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();

            // Individual registrations of repositories here are fine

            // Individual registrations of factories - works, but trying to avoid!

            // Generic Registration of Factories - syntax errors
            // Component.For<IFactory<IRepository<>>>().AsFactory()
            // Component.For(typeof(IFactory<IRepository<>>)).AsFactory()

        var factoryA = container.Resolve<IFactory<IRepository<TestA>>>();
        var factoryB = container.Resolve<IFactory<IRepository<TestB>>>();

        var repoA = factoryA.Create();
        var repoB = factoryB.Create();

        Console.WriteLine("Everything worked");

2 Answers


Your factory inteface definition is a little too "open". Change your factory interface as follows:

public interface IRepositoryFactory<T>
    IRepository<T> Create();
    void Release(IRepository<T> instance);

And you can then register:


And resolve:

var factoryA = container.Resolve<IRepositoryFactory<TestA>>();
var factoryB = container.Resolve<IRepositoryFactory<TestB>>();

There's a pattern for grouping repositories together. It is called unit of work. So, instead of creating a factory for creating repositories, create a unit of work class that references these repositories. For instance:

public abstract class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
    // here is your factory
    protected abstract IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>();

    public IRepository<User> Users
        get { return this.GetRepository<User>();

    public IRepository<Customer> Customers
        get { return this.GetRepository<Customer>();

    // etc..

In your Composition Root you can define an UnitOfWork implementation that holds a reference to Windsor and enables you to get IRepository<T> implementations:

internal sealed class WindsorUnitOfWork : UnitOfWork
    private WindsorContainer container;

    public WindsorUnitOfWork(WindsorContainer container)
        this.container = container;

    protected override IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>()
        return this.container.Resolve<IRepository<T>>();

And register it as follows:


Consumers now have a really convenient way of using the repositories:

private readonly UnitOfWork db;

public KarmaService(UnitOfWork db)
    this.db = db;

public int CalculateKarmaForActiveUsersByName(string name)
    var users =
        from user in this.db.Users
        where user.Name == name
        where user.Active
        select user;

    return users.Sum(user => user.Karma);