Is there a way to tell openLayers not to request tiles out of particular bounds for a specific WMS Layer?
I want the rest of map and other layers still accessible, so maxExtent on map is not an option for me. I just want to restrict one WMS layer to particular bounds. If view port is inside the bounds and user zooms in fine, openlayer requests new tiles! but if viewport is outside, the WMS should only fill the bounded area with tiles from that WMS layer.
Does that make sense or is that even possible?
I have tried maxExtent on Layer (WMS object extends from Layer), but that still doesn't stop OpenLayers from requesting tiles outside the maxExtent.
No I am not trying to address the 'pink tile issue'.
I need this for performance reasons. This particular WMS layer is vector intensive. and TileCache is not an option as I am using dynamic SLD's each time.