I've just ran over something interesting, enabled runtime themes in Project Options and when a hint is shown on a TDCTree(from old Dream components, similar to TTreeView) and the mouse is moved over another node that should show hint, what I get is:
Debugger Fault Notification
Project DRIVE:\path\to\project\MyApp.exe faulted with message: 'system exception (code 0xc000041d) at 0x73c84cad'. Process Stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.
I believe that the same issue occurs within IDE, whenever I try to hover over items when adding items at design time.
If I disable runtime themes in Project Options, no exception, but it shows the "old style XP hint".
Application by itself raises an exception with Event Name "APPCRASH".
Seen quite a few issues related to "runtime themes", but haven't seen any way to avoid these issues without disabling them.
Operating system: Windows 7 x64
Delphi: 2007 with December 2007 and February 2008 updates installed
One way to avoid the issue is:
Procedure TDCTreeToolTip.DoHideToolTip;
If FToolTipAdded Then
if FTreeNode <> NIL then // fix
in unit "dcntree.pas".
it seems that FTreeNode "somehow" gets NIL-ed before the call to DoHideToolTip, so the "System Exception is raised... it still doesn't explain why only when "Runtime themes are enabled"
I don't have time now to investigate this further, but the "trigger" is found, need to figure out "whom" is pulling it.