I have read a lot of topics and jQuery documentation, but still I am not able to solve this issue.
What I have is div with opacity 0 and some background color. On user "click" event of some button, I call the "StartAnimationFuncton" function which make the div with opacity 1 and add loading images.
Then when information is received from the server, I call the "StopAnimationFuncton" function which should remove the loading div, and then to make the background div with opacity 0 again.
Note: I set delay(1000), to the loading before removing it, because if the request is done too fast, the loading is show for a milliseconds and looks ugly.
$('<div id="Loading" style="width:100%;height:100%"></div>').hide().appendTo('#BackGroundDiv').stop('fx',true,false).fadeIn(500,function(){
//Waiting data from the server - when the date is call the StopAnimationFunction
My problem is that when the user 'click' many time on the button, the current animations are not stopped. I have try all variants - using stop(),stop('fx',true,false), stop(true,true), stop(true,false) for each combination of elements, but nothing help.
Which is the correct way to stop the current animations and complete functions? Also. if my logic is incorrect, I am opened for new ideas?
EDIT 1: I am using jQuery version 1.8.2
EDID 2: I have read that the delay(1000) can cause problems because it can not be removed/canceled.
Jquery .delay().fadeOut cancel/clear queue.. Is it possible? How?
That's why I have replaced it with animation({opacity:1.0},1000) but nothing changed.