I am using Axis2 (1.5.3 currently) and Tomcat (6.0.26 currently) and am running a web service. I would like to also host HTML pages for configuring the web service.
What is the best way to go about this? I assume keeping the same context is key, but perhaps it is not.
My current distribution is located under a folder structure similar to this: Tomcat/webapps/mycompany With the actual service code here: Tomcat/webapps/mycompany/WEB-INF/services/myService
In a browser, I can hit my web service by going to here: /mycompany/services/myService
I note that I can drop actual HTML files in this path and Tomcat will, indeed serve them up.
For instance, if I put "index.html" under Tomcat/webapps/mycompany, I can navigate to /mycompany/index.html and see my html.
What I want to do is have this HTML be attached to JAR/class files that can interact with the already-existing service class files in the same context as the service. Therefore, I can have the browser configure the web service directly.
Is this possible, and is there a tutorial or something out there that will help me with this? Note that I have been working with Tomcat and Axis2 for a while now for this particular web service, but I have never actually deployed a web application/html using Tomcat before.