I'm trying to write an octave program that will convert a .mat file to a .csv file. The .mat file has a matrix X and a column vector y. X is populated with 0s and 1s and y is populated with labels from 1 to 10. I want to take y and put it in front of X and write it as a .csv file.
Here is a code snippet of my first approach:
load(filename, "X", "y");
z = [y X];
basename = split{1};
csvname = strcat(basename, ".csv");
csvwrite(csvname, z);
The resulting file contains lots of really small decimal numbers, e.g. 8.560596795891285e-06,1.940359477121703e-06, etc...
My second approach was to loop through and manually write the values out to the .csv file:
load(filename, "X", "y");
z = [y X];
basename = split{1};
csvname = strcat(basename, ".csv");
csvfile = fopen(csvname, "w");
numrows = size(z, 1);
numcols = size(z, 2);
for i = 1:numrows
for j = 1:numcols
fprintf(csvfile, "%d", z(i, j));
if j == numcols
fprintf(csvfile, "\n");
fprintf(csvfile, ",");
That gave me a correct result, but took a really long time.
Can someone tell me either how to use csvwrite in a way that will write the correct values, or how to more efficiently manually create the .csv file.