I'm trying to render a liquid template within a liquid layout (Liquid Template lang, not CSS liquid layout stuff). I can't seem to get the layout part to render. Currently using:
assigns = {'page_name' => 'test'}
@layout = Liquid::Template.parse(File.new(@theme.layout.path).read)
@template = Liquid::Template.parse(File.new(self.template.path).read)
@rend_temp = @template.render(assigns)
@rend_layout = @layout.render({'content_for_layout' => @rend_temp})
render :text => @rend_layout, :content_type => :html
The resulting HTML of the page shows that the 'template' rendered in liquid fine, but it isn't wrapped with the layout (replacing 'content_for_layout' in the layout with the rendered template)