
I'm having difficulty with a fitting problem. From the errors that I get I imagine that the boundaries are not defined correctly and I haven't managed to find a solution. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Alternative methods for the solution of the same problem are also accepted.


I have to estimate the parameters of a non-linear function of the type:

A*y(x) + B*EXP(C*y(x)) + g(x,D) = 0

subjected to the parameters PAR = [A,B,C,D] being within the range



To solve the problem I'm using the Matlab functions lsqnonlin and fzero. The simplified code used is reported below.

The problem is divided in four functions:

  1. parameterEstimation - (a wrapper for the lsqnonlin function)
  2. objectiveFunction_lsq - (the objective function for the param estimation)
  3. yFun - (the function returing the value of the variable y)
  4. objectiveFunction_zero - (the objective function of the non-linear equation used to calculate y)


Running the code on the data I get the this waring

Warning: Length of lower bounds is > length(x); ignoring extra bounds

and this error

Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. LSQNONLIN cannot continue

This makes me to think that the boundaries are not correctly used or not correctly called, but maybe the problem is elsewhere.

function Done = parameterEstimation()
    %read inputs
    Xmeas = xlsread('filepath','worksheet','range');
    Ymeas = xlsread('filepath','worksheet','range');

    %inital values and boundary conditions
    initialGuess = [1,1,1,1]; %model parameters initial guess
    LB = [0,0,0,0]; %model parameters lower boundaries
    UB = [2,2,2,2]; %model parameters upper boundaries

    %parameter estimation
    calcParam = lsqnonlin(@objectiveFunction_lsq_2,initialGuess,LB,UB,[],Xmeas,Ymeas);
    Done = calcParam;

function diff = objectiveFunction_lsq_2(PAR,Xmeas,Ymeas)
    y_calculated = yFun(PAR,Xmeas);
    diff = y_calculated-Ymeas;

function result = yFun(PAR,X)
    y_0 = 2;
    val = fzero(@(y)objfun_y(y,PAR,X),y_0);
    result = val;

function result = objfun_y(y,PAR,X)
    A = PAR(1);
    B = PAR(2);
    A = PAR(3);
    C = PAR(4);
    D = PAR(5);

    val = A*y+B*exp(y*C)+g(D,X);
    result = val;
Before you call lsqnonlin what are the sizes of your input variables?slayton
In your objfun_y function why are you setting 'A' twice, what is 'CONST', is g() something that can be accessed by this function, and what is 'd' (maybe should be D)?ioums
@ slayton: Xmeas and Ymeas are arrays of vimension 40 (44 to be precise), I don't think it's a "large" dataset @ ioums: pardon, errors done in simplifying the function to show th problem, I'm correcting them.Andrew Strathclyde

1 Answers


I don't have the optimization toolbox, but are you sure you can pass the constants like that?

I would do this instead:

calcParam = lsqnonlin(@(PAR) objectiveFunction_lsq_2(PAR,Xmeas,Ymeas),initialGuess,LB,UB);