This question is about templating and localizing, using require.js and underscore templates through backbone.js. The application will need to be localised on the fly.
Before embarking down a path that later proved problematic, is there a better solution than the one I'm considering - I'm concerned about speed and memory with repeatedly merging and processing the language array. Assume that are a 2-3 thousand language strings.
Current approach (which works, but looks processor heavy):
- Using the I18N bundling approach, create language "includes" that will essentially contain the translated elements for all the templates
- Merge this object/array of elements with model attributes (from backbone) and pass the merged lot into the underscore template
define(['backbone', 'models/model', 'text!template.html', 'i18n!my/nls/translatedbits'],
function(Backbone, MyModel, TemplateText, TranslationObject) {
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
model: {},
initialize : function(params) {
this.model = new MyModel();
render : function(callBack) {
// Get the model attributes
var templateParams = _.clone(this.model.attributes);
// Bolt on the tranlsated elements (established from require.js I18N plugin)
templateParams.t = TranslationObject;
// Pass the lot ot the template
var template = _.template(TemplateText, this.model.attributes);
$(this.el).html( template );
return this;
return View;
Then the template will read
<%= modelAttribute1 %> <%= t.translationString1 %>
Is there a better solution or a better templating engine? [Better for this purpose - mustache may have other advantages, but can it localize more easily, or can it cache localised results allowing model attributes to be passed in later?]
Note that languages may need to be changed "on the fly" - and that's another concern I have with I18N plugin. I may end up getting the transations by JSON request through a template model but this still requires a merge of objects, which is what I'm trying to avoid.