I have an app that works fine in on my development machine, but on my production server it uses a broken link to serve an image served using the Paperclip Gem.
Production environment is Linux(Debian), Apache, Passenger and I am deploying with Capistrano.
The app is stored in (a symlink that points to the public folder of the current version of the app deployed using capistrano):
However, when I try and access it on the production server, the Apache error log displays this as the path it is looking in:
The correct path, however, is:
One option available to me is to create a symlink in root that directs system to the correct path, but I don't want to do this in case I want to deploy another app in the same root dir.
The url for this request is generated by rails, but Apache is what fetches the static resource (image files), so I have tried placing the following in my config/environments/production.rb:
Which has resolved all other pathing issues I've been experiencing, but when rails generates the url (via the Paperclip gem), it doesn't seem to use it.
How can I set it so Paperclip uses the right path and only uses it production?