
I'm currently using ninject.mvc3 in my asp.net webapi project, and it works fine. I am now trying to bind filter attributes, but BindFilter and BindHttpFilter are missing from IKernel interface when using the NinjectWebCommon static class method. If I add the Ninject.Web.WebApi package, its there but the project does not run (problem here, solution said that Ninject.Web.WebApi is deprecated) so I removed it back.

I also followed this github wiki exactly and still this.BindFilter was not found. I have the latest nuget packages; Ninject (, Ninject.Web.Common (, Ninject.MVC3 (

Where Is BindFilter or BindHttpFilter? Did something change? How do I bind filter attributes in asp.net web api? There are so many libraries and projects and the docs don't tell you what is the current working one and what is deprecated....


2 Answers


The packages you are using are correct by they don't include BindHttpFilter yet. BindHttpFilter extension method is from https://github.com/remogloor/Ninject.Web.WebApi which is currently not working for the release version of WebApi as it was written against the beta WebApi version. In order to inject into a WebApi filter you need BindHttpFilter, you can't pass a WebApi filter into the BindFilter method.

This is https://github.com/ninject/Ninject.Web.WebApi/pull/1 seems to be the latest info I could find on the status of an update.

You could also try another NuGet package http://nuget.org/packages/Ninject.Web.WebApi-rc but I had some errors with it, don't remember now exactly what errors. Anyway after reading the discussion on the above mentioned pull request I gave up on this package.

In my case I am trying to implement a logging filter so I am just going to create a static method that I can call from the filter till injection support will be available.


I Have same problem. 1) I install latest (but unstable) Ninject for Web.Api from PM console using command

PM> Install-Package Ninject.Web.WebApi -Pre

2) Then i add this to "using" section of NinjectWebCommon.cs

using Ninject.Web.WebApi.FilterBindingSyntax;

After these steps my IKernel has method BindHttpFilter. And all works well