the following code works as intended on all browsers except Safari (using version 5.1.7 for windows 7).
var texto01 = document.getElementById("texto01");
texto01.onkeyup = function(tecla){
if(tecla.keyCode == 13){ //If Enter is keyup
if((valorAnt[0] != texto01.value) && (texto01.value != "")){ //Check to see if answer has changed and field is not empty
valorAnt[0] = texto01.value; //Since value has change, set it to be new previous answer
if(texto01.value == "5747"){ //Correct answer user has to type
ctx.clearRect(739, 57, 35, 35);
ctx.drawImage(bienImg, 739, 57); //Tick image
var cBien = Math.ceil(Math.random()*2); //There are two audio files that can be played if answer is correct
var cSonidoB = "bien" + cBien;
document.getElementById(cSonidoB).play(); //play the "random" audio for right answer
else{ //Answer is wrong
ctx.clearRect(739, 57, 35, 35);
ctx.drawImage(malImg, 739, 57); //X mark image
var cMal = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3); //There are three audio files that can be played if answer is wrong
var cSonidoM = "mal" + cMal;
document.getElementById(cSonidoM).play(); //play the "random" audio for wrong answer
All audio tags are declared like this:
<audio id = "mal1" preload = "auto">
<source src="Sounds/mal01.ogg" type="audio/ogg"></source>
<source src="Sounds/mal01.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></source>
I have tried the following with no success: 1) Put the MP3 source before the OGG. 2) Changed the type to "audio/mp3" 3) Remove the "random" part of choosing which audio to play and straight up assign an audio ID to play.