
I using PHP sdk to connect to QuickBooks through Web Connector.

I am able to write QBXML request for fetching all sales order from QuickBooks.

Below is my QBXML request.

    <?qbxml version="11.0"?>


        <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">

            <SalesOrderQueryRq  iterator="Start"  >





It returns all details of sales orders but not the items which are in that sales order.
I want to fetch all items with their cost in particular sales order.
So can anybody tell me how can I do that ?

actually I have used sample application comes with PHP SDK and modify the QBXML request to get sales order.Pratik

1 Answers


If you refer to the QuickBooks OSR Documentation, you'll notice that SalesOrderQueryRq requests support a tag called:


Which is documented as follows (emphasis mine):

This filter allows you to omit line items from a query response to get a smaller result. The default value is false, so line items are omitted by default. Set IncludeLineItems to true to include line items in the response if you dont mind getting a larger result.

Soooo... if you set that to TRUE:

<?qbxml version="11.0"?>
    <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
        <SalesOrderQueryRq iterator="Start">

Then you'll get back the line items together with the core Sales Order data.