I have three lists that look like this:
Initiative (single line text)
Theme (single line text)
Initiative (Lookup from Initiatives:Initiative)
Points (number)
Feature (single line text)
Theme (Lookup from Themes:Theme)
Points (Lookup from Themes:Points) # <- This here works fine.
Initiative (Lookup from Themes:Initiative) # <- This here is busted and can't do.
See that last line there... Initiative (Lookup from Themes:Initiative)
<- that's me trying to get the initiative associated with the Theme. I've tried about a bazillion different things and just cannot figure out how to do this.
Is it even possible? If so, how?
FWIW - I am using SharePoint 2010 and can use anything from the web tools to SharePoint Designer. I'm an admin on the SharePoint Site but not on the Server.