I've been writing up a script that runs some server functions using a web-browser interface. I coded up the script on Windows 7 with Internet explorer 8 and it works fine. As soon as I move it to the production server running Windows 2008 with Internet Explorer 9, it breaks. Finally traced it the point of failure, but I'm a bit stumped how to fix it. Here's the code that will cause an issue:
$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$ie.visible = $True
$doc = $ie.document
$Object1 = $doc.getElementByID("pocs")
This pops up an IE windows, and it should be able to search elements by ID. Trouble is, now I get the error
"Cannot find an overload for "getElementById" and the argument count: "1"."
I can find very very little on this error. The actual issue is actually the variable $doc. If I do a "$doc | get-member" on IE 9 I get:
TypeName: System.__ComObject#{c59c6b12-f6c1-11cf-8835-00a0c911e8b2}
But under IE 8 I get:
TypeName: mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
So, basically, IE 9 / Windows 2008 is failing to load the web document contents when I call $ie.document. I've tried setting IE9 to compatibility mode, but no luck there.
The $ie.document | get-member does actually show the method of : "getElementById Method Variant getElementById () " so it's in there, but there's no document for it to parse.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.