I'm working on an Emacs Lisp package and one particular feature I would like to add is ability to define functions on the fly - they would follow the same naming convention, but it would help me not having to declare every single one of them manually.
To give an example, I have a basic function called exec, which takes an argument that is the name of executable to launch:
(def exec (cmd)
(async-shell-command cmd "buffer"))
At the same time, in this particular case, I know the list of the executables that I will want to use - or more precisely, I know how to get a list of them, as it can change over time. So what I would like to do, given the following list of executables:
("a" "b" "c")
is to iterate over them and for each one to create a function with a name exec-[executable] - exec-a, exec-b, exec-c.
Unfortunately, defun does not evaluate the NAME argument so I cannot create the function name dynamically.
PS. The exec command is good enough in itself - it uses completing-read
with the list of executables supplied, but I thought the above would be nice addition.